SFTech4Good Newsletter, July 2017, #50: Apps4Change Demo Day
We’re getting a digital makeover and in the next few months we’ll be launching our official email newsletter on Mailchimp. Please take a couple of seconds to sign up for the official SFTech4Good Newsletter and ensure that you'll be the first to hear about new events, updates, and news.
Join the official SFTech4Good newsletter
SFTech4Good Event - July 21
Mobile Apps for Change Demo Day with Caravan Studios
See demos of mobile apps for social good. This event will connect nonprofit staff with mobile app developers who have created mobile apps and prototypes that help to create a better world.
Friday, July 21
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
The Salvation Army, Golden State Divisional Headquarters
832 Folsom Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94107
Free - includes breakfast.
Make sure to sign up soon as this event WILL sell out!
RSVP on Eventbrite:
Weekly on Wednesdays: Code for SF Civic Hack Night
Interested in helping San Francisco? Excellent! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help! Join a weekly hack (hacking = building) night focused on open government and civic tech in San Francisco.
Events we are not hosting, but you might want to know about:
July 6 and July 11-
Public Good App House
Online briefings (webinars)
July 8 - Hacking for Humanity with Girls in Tech SF & Hackbright Academy: A Social Innovation Hackathon
Join the Girls in Tech, San Francisco chapter and Hackbright Academy as we innovate for social change for girls and women, by women. We’re tackling topics that deal with girls and women including (but not limited to) the following: homelessness, sexual assault, domestic violence, human trafficking and women’s health. This hackathon is beginner friendly and for participants new to coding or hackathons. No team? No problem - You'll get opportunities to network and connect with like-minded hackers in our community before any hacking begins.
Sat, Jul 8, 2017, 10:00 AM – Sun, Jul 9, 2017, 7:00 PM
DocuSign 221 Main Street #1000 San Francisco
July: Advancing Social Justice Through Family Philanthropy Webinar Series
July 10
Are you a young person (age 18-35) with financial wealth and/or class privilege? Do you have a family foundation, donor-advised fund, or other family giving vehicle, and/or $1M+ in liquidable assets you’d like to give with your family?. In this webinar series, you will explore how to apply a social justice lens to your grantmaking, connect your family philanthropy story to a greater context, and set goals around your own leadership in philanthropy.
Register here - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/resource-generation-family-philanthropy-webinar-series-tickets-33468084943
July 11-12: VentureBeat’s MB 2017 San Francisco
SFTech4Good members have a discount to VentureBeat’s MB 2017 San Francisco conference, the go-to event about AI, messaging, and personalization held on July 11 & 12.
DEVELOPER-ONLY discount ticket link for $199 (86.7% off full price): https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mb-2017-how-ai-messaging-and-personalization-will-rock-your-world-tickets-31307538691?discount=DEV199T
And a 20% link for the non-developer discount: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mb-2017-how-ai-messaging-and-personalization-will-rock-your-world-tickets-31307538691?discount=MB20TAY
July 17-28 - Participatory Budgeting Online Course with IAP2
Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a democratic process where community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. In this course, trainers from the Participatory Budgeting Project will engage participants in a mock process, from design to the vote, in order to provide a deeper understanding of PB and how it works as a public participation tool. We'll explore what it takes to start a process and keep it going, how it aligns with IAP2 Core Values, and what components make it a best practice in public participation.
$99 - $109
July 19: Registration open for Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing by Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology
General registration for GHC 17 opens July 19 and your registration includes main stage keynotes. (We will livestream these keynotes for those who are not able to attend #GHC17. Stay tuned to our GHC Twitter account for more info!)
July 20: Civic Mornings, a new monthly convening from CivicMakers
Civic Mornings is a new gathering of the civic tribe in the Bay Area and beyond, at the brand new, beautiful Impact Hub San Francisco. Over breakfast, you’ll meet your peers and fellow changemakers, and exchange ideas and inspiration across sectors and silos.
8:30am to 10:00am
Impact Hub San Francisco, 1885 Mission St
July 21-23: Beyond the Culture of Separation - Weekend Intensive Workshop
In this workshop, we will use innovative and interactive learning modalities to examine the stories of whiteness that structure our society, our relationships, and ourselves. Topics covered include: how our personal stories intersect with narratives of US history, how white supremacy manifests at personal, cultural, and systemic levels, and how racism impacts our personal and collective well-being.
Women's Building, 3543 18th Street #8 San Francisco
$250 – $400
July 22: Social Impact Bootcamp by DoSomething.org
Do you want to make real, positive change in your community? Would you benefit from advice and resources from social change experts? Apply for DoSomething.org’s Social Impact Bootcamp in San Francisco on July 22nd! This free, day-long in-person training with DoSomething staffers and other social impact pros will give you and 100+ other young leaders the knowledge and tools you need to become an agent of change in your community. The deadline to apply is June 12th.
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
July 22: Delta Analytics 2017 Data for Good Community Celebration
Delta Analytics is inviting the SF Data for Good community to celebrate the end of our seven 2017 Fellowship projects. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage our Fellows on their projects which range from developing deep learning models for Rainforest Connection to building a pricing model for Social Justice Collaborative and learn more on how they can get involved or utilize our services while enjoying refreshments provided by our partners at the USF Data Institute.
3pm - 4pm
USF 101 Howard St Campus First Floor San Francisco
Donation ($5 suggested)
July 22: MeasureCamp Digital Analytics Unconference
First held in London in 2012, MeasureCamp is an 'unconference' for the digital analytics industry, widely regarded as the best analytics conference with the best content! In 2016, the unconference was held in 11 cities around the world. With growing popularity and unbeatable price (free), the tickets to the unconference disappear quickly. The event is all about learning, exchanging ideas, networking, and solving problems with your fellow digital analytics practitioners.
9:00 am – 5:30 pm
July 27: Corporate Activist Employees: Your New CSR Team
57% of Fortune 1000 employees think companies need to take a more active stance on social issues. Understanding how employees who identify as activists are thinking and feeling, and uncovering ways to build this into culture strategies will be critical to teams seeking to create more inclusive workplace experience.
11:00 am - 12:00 pm PT
September 18-20: Social Enterprise Alliance Summit (LA)
Social Enterprise Alliance empowers social enterprises with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and works to foster a social enterprise ecosystem in which they can thrive. Since our founding, we have convened the robust social enterprise field – practitioners, enthusiasts, experts, funders and more – at the Summit.
Los Angeles
October 24-24: Tech Inclusion SF
Help create an inclusive future for everyone. Explore tech jobs, access and opportunity, empathy and allyship, inclusive and accessible design, creating inclusive teams and more.
Now more than ever we must come together to drive solutions: as executives, hiring managers, human resources, data scientists, educators, entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers and diversity and inclusion advocates. This includes both a conference and career fair.
Innovation Hangar, 3601 Lyon Street, San Francisco, CA 94123
$299 early bird, $599 all-inclusive (free for career fair attendees)
Apply to Speak: https://community.techinclusion.co/call-for-speakers (topics are in education, workplace, entrepreneurship, policy and ecosystem)
Register: https://sf17.techinclusion.co/
Oct 30 - Nov 5: Lean Startup Week
Lean Startup Co. events bring the big ideas from Eric Ries’ books off the page to show how organizations are making them real around the world. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a corporate innovator, you’ll learn how to implement and evolve the Lean Startup methodology beyond the startup phase—to scale—in enterprise, in government, in nonprofits, and in areas you’d least expect it. Alongside keynotes and case studies at Lean Startup Week, we offer workshops and mentoring sessions where you can have more immersive experiences, breaking off a chunk of the practice and working through it with our seasoned experts.
$1,650 - $3,500
San Francisco
Learn more: https://2017.leanstartup.co/
Resources and Volunteering/Learning/Job Opportunities
Volunteers Needed:
July 15th, 10:00 AM- 5:00 PM PDT: Techtonica Program Hackathon
Techtonica is a free tech training and job placement program for local women and non-binary adults in need. They just launched their first full-time class and could use your help improving the program.
Join the hackathon to get involved, or sign up to be a volunteer at https://techtonica.org/#howtohelp
Google Community Space, 188 Embarcadero (enter on Steuart Street), San Francisco, CA 94105
July 12th, 10:45 AM- 8:00 PM PDT: Buy a Burrito at Chipotle in Westfield Mall!
Support a good cause by buying a burrito at Chipotle in Westfield Mall on July 12th. You can print out the flyer or show it on your phone and 50% of all proceeds will go to supporting Techtonica's students!
Chipotle Mexican Grill
865 Market Street Space C10
San Francisco, California 94103
Need help building websites/software/applications?
Web link: www.zenithprepacademy.com/coding/web-development
If you need free help with building/updating websites or with building software/applications, Zenith Prep Academy has very talented students who are looking for projects to work on.
Their students are proficient in various languages in front-end (web development - CSS, JavaScript, HTML) and back-end (software - Java, PHP, etc.). Additionally, they also have prior experience and a positive track record in building websites and software applications for local and international businesses/companies.
At Zenith Prep Academy, they provide accelerated engineering/programming, business, and healthcare classes to 6th-12th graders, in addition to their selective advanced mentorship program.
All of the students that will work on your projects graduated top 1% of their classes where they’ve all built this website (http://www.zenithprepacademy.com/coding/uberz) from scratch without any shortcuts or templates, in addition to many of them having built websites and software for local businesses and large enterprise companies.
If you have a project in mind and are interested in discussing, feel free to reach out via email to: William@ZenithPrepAcademy.com.
Subscribe to CivicMaker’s LINKS, a bi-monthly dispatch of ideas, events and opportunities for civic and social innovators creating better ways to address sticky public problems in the Bay Area and beyond: http://civicmakers.us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=575e163ff2514c90b8108dd50&id=52e564e43b
Job Opportunities
Tech Jobs in SF City Government
Bookmark the civic tech jobs site or follow @civicjobsf on Twitter.
Find or post nonprofit jobs on the NTEN Nonprofit Tech Job Board. Find or post full-time jobs and short-term gigs for social change. NTEN Members save 50% on all job postings. You can also follow @ntenjobs for the latest jobs.
Check out Fast Forward’s Tech nonprofit job board
Learning Opportunities/Other Resources
TechSoup Courses for Nonprofits!
You have a mission. TechSoup Courses can get you there. Explore the online training catalog here: https://techsoup.course.tc/catalog (TechSoup is a sponsor of SFTech4Good, so check them out!
Ongoing - Giant Global Social Innovation Events Calendar
Conveners.org is a backbone organization building connection, cooperation, and collaboration within the impact ecosystem. Increased coordination provides network benefits and allows us to create tools, resources and products that solve the industry-level challenges we face. This enables the right people, to be in the right places to have the conversations that will change the world. Lots and lots of great events are compiled here:
So You Want to Be an Ally Because #BlackLivesMatter
Here is an ever-expanding resource for individuals who would like to become an ally. Please feel free to add to it and share it within your communities.
Thanks to our awesome sponsors!
- TechSoup Global via NetSquared
- The Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN)
- Cooper
- Hack Reactor
- Important Media
- Optimizely
- Bloomberg Tech Hub
- Rolling Out Cafe
- Geekdom SF by Rackspace
General Assembly Front Row
- WeWork Civic Center
Old Newsletters in our Discussion Forum
Thank you and stay tuned!
Thanks for being a part of the SFTech4Good community, and thanks for reading to the end!
Looking for updates in between our monthly newsletter? Please use the upcoming events and job board here to share events and jobs: http://www.meetup.com/sfnetsquared/messages/boards/forum/2623142
If you need to find one of our old newsletters, you can find them here in the Discussion section on our Meetup.com page.
That’s all for July!
SFTech4Good event producers
P.S. Find us on Twitter at @SFTech4Good and follow our events in real time at #SFN2!
Coded (just in case I accidently close the tab)
We’re getting a digital makeover and in the next few months we’ll be launching our official email newsletter on Mailchimp. Please take a couple of seconds to sign up for the official SFTech4Good Newsletter and ensure that you'll be the first to hear about new events, updates, and news: [url=http://bit.do/sftech4good]Join the official SFTech4Good newsletter[/url].
[b]SFTech4Good Events[/b]
[i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/apps4change-demo-breakfast-san-francisco-ju... Apps for Change Demo Day with Caravan Studios[/url][/i]
See demos of mobile apps for social good. This event will connect nonprofit staff with mobile app developers who have created mobile apps and prototypes that help to create a better world.
Friday, July 21, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
The Salvation Army, Golden State Divisional Headquarters
832 Folsom Street, 5th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94107
Free - includes breakfast.
Make sure to sign up soon as this event WILL sell out: [url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/apps4change-demo-breakfast-san-francisco-ju... on Eventbrite[/url].
[i][url=http://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Francisco-Civic-Hack-Night/]Weekly on Wednesdays: Code for SF Civic Hack Night[/url][/i]
Interested in helping San Francisco? Excellent! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help! Join a weekly hack (hacking = building) night focused on open government and civic tech in San Francisco [url=http://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Francisco-Civic-Hack-Night/]here[/url].
Events we are not hosting, but you might want to know about:[/b]
July 6 and July 11 - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/public-good-app-house-online-briefings-regi... Good App House, Online briefings (webinars)[/url][/i]
July 8 - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hacking-for-humanity-with-girls-in-tech-sf-... for Humanity with Girls in Tech SF & Hackbright Academy: A Social Innovation Hackathon[/url]
July 10 - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/resource-generation-family-philanthropy-web... ]Advancing Social Justice Through Family Philanthropy Webinar Series[/url][/i]
July 11-12 - [i]VentureBeat’s MB 2017 San Francisco - [b]discount codes for SFTech4Good members[/b]:[/i]
* [url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mb-2017-how-ai-messaging-and-personalizatio... discount ticket link for $199 (86.7% off full price)[/url]
* [url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mb-2017-how-ai-messaging-and-personalizatio... 20% off[/url]
July 12th - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buy-a-burrito-to-support-techtonica-tickets... a Burrito at Chipotle in Westfield Mall![/url][/i]
Support a good cause by buying a burrito at Chipotle in Westfield Mall on July 12th. You can print out the flyer or show it on your phone and 50% of all proceeds will go to supporting Techtonica's students!
July 17-28 - [i][url=https://iap2usa.org/event-2520275?mc_cid=b6882626c8&mc_eid=93f6d608f4]Pa... Budgeting Online Course with IAP2[/url][/i]
July 19 - [i][url=https://t.e2ma.net/click/ieaclb/awaeak/21dqfm]Registration open for Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing by Anita Borg Institute for Women in Technology[/url][/i]
July 20 - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/civic-mornings-tickets-35151509110]Civic Mornings, a new monthly convening from CivicMakers[/url][/i]
July 21-23 - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/beyond-the-culture-of-separation-weekend-in... the Culture of Separation - Weekend Intensive Workshop[/url][/i]
July 22 - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dosomethingorg-social-impact-bootcamp-regis... Impact Bootcamp by DoSomething.org[/url]. [/i]Note: Registration closes on [b]today[/b], July 5th, so move fast. You should expect to hear back from them by July 7th!
July 22 - [i][url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/delta-analytics-2017-data-for-good-communit... Analytics 2017 Data for Good Community Celebration[/url][/i]
July 27 - [i][url=https://www.causecast.com/corporate-activist-employees-your-new-csr-team... Activist Employees: Your New CSR Team[/url][/i]
September 18-20 - [i][url=https://summit17.us/?mc_cid=2c6bdf6f38&mc_eid=93f6d608f4]Social Enterprise Alliance Summit (Los Angeles)[/url]
October 24-24 - [i]Tech Inclusion SF[/i]
* [url= https://community.techinclusion.co/call-for-speakers ]Apply to speak[/url]
* [url=https://sf17.techinclusion.co/]Register[/url]
Oct 30 - Nov 5 - [i][url=https://2017.leanstartup.co/ ]Lean Startup Week[/url]
[b]Resources and Volunteering[/b]
July 15th - [i]Techtonica Program Hackathon[/i]
Techtonica is a free tech training and job placement program for local women and non-binary adults in need. They just launched their first full-time class and could use your help improving the program.
[url=https://www.eventbrite.com/e/techtonica-program-hackathon-tickets-358030... the hackathon to get involved[/url], or sign up to be a volunteer at [url=https://techtonica.org/#howtohelp]https://techtonica.org/#howtohelp[/url]
[i]Need help building websites/software/applications?[/i]
Web link: [url=http://www.zenithprepacademy.com/coding/web-development]www.zenithprepac...
If you need free help with building/updating websites or with building software/applications, Zenith Prep Academy has very talented students who are looking for projects to work on.
Their students are proficient in various languages in front-end (web development - CSS, JavaScript, HTML) and back-end (software - Java, PHP, etc.). Additionally, they also have prior experience and a positive track record in building websites and software applications for local and international businesses/companies.
At Zenith Prep Academy, they provide accelerated engineering/programming, business, and healthcare classes to 6th-12th graders, in addition to their selective advanced mentorship program.
All of the students that will work on your projects graduated top 1% of their classes where they’ve all built this website (http://www.zenithprepacademy.com/coding/uberz) from scratch without any shortcuts or templates, in addition to many of them having built websites and software for local businesses and large enterprise companies.
If you have a project in mind and are interested in discussing, feel free to reach out via email to: William@ZenithPrepAcademy.com.
[url=http://civicmakers.us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=575e163ff2514c90b8108... to CivicMaker’s LINKS[/url], a bi-monthly dispatch of ideas, events and opportunities for civic and social innovators creating better ways to address sticky public problems in the Bay Area and beyond.
[b]Job Listings[/b]
Tech Jobs in San Francisco City Government: Search the [url=http://sfdhr.org/sfcivictech]civic tech jobs[/url] site or follow [url=@civicjobsf]">https://twitter.com/@civicjobsf]@civicjobsf[/url] on Twitter.
[url=https://www.nten.org/jobs/]NTEN Nonprofit Tech Job Board[/url]: Find or post full-time jobs and short-term gigs for social change. NTEN Members save 50% on all job postings. You can also follow [url=@ntenjobs]">http://www.twitter.com/@ntenjobs]@ntenjobs[/url] for the latest jobs.
Check out [url=https://www.ffwd.org/tech-nonprofit-jobs/]Fast Forward's[/url] Tech nonprofit job board