DON’T MISS OUT! PLEASE JOIN! Some important SFTech4Good announcements:
We’re getting a digital makeover and in the next few months we’ll be launching our official email newsletter on Mailchimp. Please take a minute to sign up for the official SFTech4Good Newsletter and ensure that you'll be the first to hear about new events, updates, and news.
Click here to join the official SFTech4Good newsletter
Silicon Valley folks - Netsquared Silicon Valley needs event organizers
Do you live on the peninsula and want to create events like SFTech4Good?
Consider volunteering if you have about 5-15 hours a month.
Learn more here: http://www.netsquared.org/why-you-should-become-netsquared-organizer
Contact for details: Elijah van der Giessen, eli@techsoupglobal.org
September 13 - Agile Potluck Meetup
Join the Agile Potluck Meetup for Business Casual Yoga and a fun potluck dinner with a discussion of agile/lean/scrum/kanban/product management topics.
Free (but please bring food to share)
5:30-8:30 pm
WeWork SOMA - 156 2nd St, San Francisco, CA
Register: www.meetup.com/The-Bay-Area-Agile-Potluck-Series/events/242573006/
Sept 13 - Storytelling Resources for Nonprofits with TechSoup
Nonprofits must have the ability to tell their own story. Fundraising and advocacy depend on convincing a supporter to take action. More resources for nonprofits here.
On 9/13, you’ll learn about Adobe Spark - an easy, free tool that lets anyone become amazing multimedia storytellers—no experience necessary. Spark, an integrated suite of storytelling applications for the iPad, iPhone, and web, consists of Spark Page, Spark Post, and Spark Video. Learn how to create graphics, web pages, and videos in minutes to use for powerful storytelling that will make your cause or organization stand out.
TechSoup, 435 Brannan Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
6:30-8:30 pm
Register: eventbrite.com/e/techsoup-storymakers-adobe-spark-tickets-37139537356
September 26: Tech and Social Impact panel with Box.org and Kiva
This panel discussion will cover: What is still holding people back from giving? And what type of platforms are making it easier for startups and companies to give back?
6:00-8:00 pm
Parisoma - 169 11th St, San Francisco, CA 94118
Register: www.eventbrite.com/e/social-impact-series-tech-4-good-tickets-37372278491
Weekly on Wednesdays: Code for SF Civic Hack Night
Interested in helping San Francisco? Excellent! Whether or not you know how to code, you can help! Join a weekly hack (hacking = building) night focused on open government and civic tech in San Francisco.
Events we are not hosting, but you might want to know about:
September 7 - Rent Control in California
Rent control is one of the most controversial issues in urban development. In 1995, The Costa-Hawkins Act barred rent control in California on homes and apartments built after that year. In an era of extreme housing costs, what has this law meant for Bay Area renters and what effect does rent control have on the economics of housing? What are prospects for the current efforts in the state legislature to repeal Costa-Hawkins?
6:00-8:30 pm
Kapor Center for Social Impact, 2148 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612
Register: www.eventbrite.com/e/rent-control-in-california-tickets-36700920441
September 7: Identity X Design with Designers and Geeks
Explore identity and how it impacts our work, the design industry, and the world at large. Hear from industry leaders from companies like LinkedIn, IBM, and Intuit on how they’re approaching inclusion, accessibility, and human-centered design.
LinkedIn HQ - 222 2nd St. San Francisco, CA 94105
Register: https://designersandgeeks.com/events/identity-x-design
September 7: Environmental, Social and Governance Principles for Investing
Join past SFTech4Good event speaker Megan Morrice and Danielle Salah at HIP Investor to learn about how you can have more social and environmental impact in your investments.
Free webinar
1:00-2:00 pm
September 9: Deadline for Speaking Proposals for SF DevFest
DevFest is an annual community-run event with speaker sessions across multiple areas, code labs and more for developers and technologists. Share your tech knowledge in a 45 min session! They are looking for speakers with a variety of backgrounds and topic levels (introductions/beginners through expert). Speaking Topic goals: Related to Technologies or Tech Culture, preferable Google related technologies. More about DevFest here.
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Galvanize - 44 Tehama St, San Francisco, CA 94105
Submit your proposal here: http://bit.ly/devfest2017 (deadline: Friday, September 9)
Got questions? Contact san.francisco.gdg@gmail.com
September 10-13: Community Capital Conference (Monterey)
Care about impact investing in local communities? This is for you!
$100-295 - Discount code NC3 to get 25% off
September 13 - 3rd Annual Civic & Gov Tech Showcase (San Jose)
Connect with civic-minded entrepreneurs, investors, and government leaders around work being done to improve government and governance through collaboration and new technologies to improve government and public participation. This year the event will be a full day of showcasing innovation in government starting with the traditional pitch presentations and networking in the morning and panel sessions, keynote presentation, and reception in the afternoon. Want to be an event sponsor, network partner or volunteer?
Email info@innovateyourstate.org with "Civic & Gov Tech Showcase" in the subject line.
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Hammer Theatre Center, 101 Paseo De San Antonio, San Jose, CA 95113
September 15 - Team4Tech Guest Bartending and Mixer Event
Learn about volunteering internationally with your business skills. Team4Tech has upcoming international projects you can check out! Meet like-minded folks who care about education, technology, and improving the quality of education globally.
6:00-9:00 pm
Soda Popinski's
1548 California Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/team4tech-guest-bartending-mixer-event-tickets-36505436744
September 15: UC Berkeley Inclusion in Entrepreneurship Summit
UC Berkeley and 14 federal funding agencies will provide 350 entrepreneurs the opportunity to partner directly with federal SBIR/STTR program managers to help attendees gain access to $2M in funding.
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
$0-25 (Free for tech entrepreneurs - but requires $25 deposit that you get back if you attend)
Pauley Ballroom, 2475 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA 94704
Info: http://accesscapital.berkeley.edu/
Register: eventbrite.com/e/inclusion-in-entrepreneurship-summit-registration-34155858091
September 18-20: Social Enterprise Alliance Summit (LA)
Social Enterprise Alliance empowers social enterprises with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and works to foster a social enterprise ecosystem in which they can thrive. Since our founding, we have convened the robust social enterprise field – practitioners, enthusiasts, experts, funders and more – at the Summit.
Los Angeles
September 21: Designing Across Cultures
Learn about branding design, illustration and typography projects from a multi-cultural & linguistic aspect with Yiying Lu of 500 Startups. Tristan Gibbin of Flow VR will also discuss her journey in developing VR-based meditation platforms in Iceland, thinking about cultural barriers in both VR and meditation to scale this new technology. Include a guided meditation.
Yelp HQ, 145 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA 94105
7:00-9:00 pm
September 21 - Startups Give Back volunteer day
Join startups who care about the community for a park beautification and cleanup project at St. Mary's Square in downtown San Francisco. Volunteers will help San Francisco's Park and Recreation team keep the area around St. Mary's Square clean and tidy.
10am – 1pm
651 California St. San Francisco, CA
Sept 21-23: Fund and Fuel Your Dreams - Training for Female Entrepreneurs
This event is designed to help women entrepreneurs, business owners, and change makers
- Create a plan to get funding on their own terms
- Connect with amazing like-minded women and investors
- Get clear on what they need to do next to achieve their business growth goals
Oakland, CA
EARLYBIRD: $297 (Regularly $997)
September 23: National Day of Civic Hacking (San Jose)
National Day of Civic Hacking is an annual day of action to convene coders, bureaucrats, data scientists, journalists, user experience designers, and community activists to tackle big problems.
10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tech Museum's Design Challenge Learning Institute, 145 West San Carlos St, San Jose, CA
General info: https://www.codeforamerica.org/events/national-day-of-civic-hacking-2017
San Jose event registration: https://www.meetup.com/Code-for-San-Jose/events/242474711/
September 24: Startups Give Back at Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
Care about women’s health? Join Startups Give Back at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure! Volunteers will hand out t-shirts to participants, and help out with the event.
6am – 11am
Justin Herman Plaza, 1 Market Street San Francisco, CA
September 27 - deadline to apply for Team4Tech Projects
Team4Tech has two upcoming projects needing volunteers in November 2017, bringing technology to advance girls’ education with CARE in Malawi and bringing technology to advance high school students in townships with LEAP Science and Maths School in South Africa. If you want to volunteer your skills to help these causes, it’s a $5000 plus airfare.
Learn more and apply:
Questions: dawn@team4tech.org
September 30: Delta Analytics (Data Science for Nonprofits) Applications Due
If the mission of data for social good resonates with you, get involved!
Nonprofits - get data science help by applying for the 2018 Service Grant Application
Data scientists - volunteer your skills in a super meaningful way. Apply for the 2018 Fellowship Program or apply for a Teaching Fellowships to build capacity in data education (Beta Tester, Teaching Fellow).
Questions? Contact inquiry@deltanalytics.org or through this contact form.
Free Salesforce Help: Salesforce Admin Fellowship Program
Need 80 hours of free Salesforce help for your nonprofit, tech startup or large company?
JVS is looking for organizations to host a JVS Salesforce fellow for Fall 2017. You can use this as an opportunity to take on Salesforce projects that are normally overlooked due to time and budget constraints and to make Salesforce more effective for your organization.
The duration of the fellowship is 4-6 weeks (or 80 hours) and is fully funded by the Department of Labor (free for host organizations like you!).
For questions or to apply to host a fellow, contact Anne-Marie Russo: arusso@jvs.org
Fed Tech: From Technology to Startups (Apply - Rolling Deadline)
What do GPS, lithium batteries and a vaccine for Zika Virus all have in common? Answer: they all were initially funded by the government and then spun out into commercial products!
Want to find the next big commercial breakthrough? Join Fed Tech this fall and be paired with a cutting edge technology to build a new business. We work to scout opportunities from the $140B/year federal research and development program and put them in the hands of entrepreneurs. The program has run since 2013 and had multiple spinouts.
See a highlight video from a recent cohort. You’ll be paired with a technology and then conduct 50 plus customer interviews to develop a go to market concept. Each week you pitch your findings to our teaching team and mentors, all consisting of real entrepreneurs. In person attendance in Washington, DC is required for the opening and closing sessions but all other sessions can be participated in remotely. Fed Tech has worked with entrepreneurs from across the country. In person sessions for the class meet in DC from mid September to late November. Deadline is rolling - apply ASAP as the cohort officially starts on 9/19.
Curious? Email Ben Solomon to express interest: Benjamin.Solomon.ctr@gc.ndu.edu
Free Event Space in SF for Nonprofits
Need to host an after-work fundraiser for up to 50 people in the Mission district? Apply here:
Free website help
If you need free help with building/updating websites or with building software/applications, Zenith Prep Academy has very talented 6th-12th grade students who are looking for projects to work on.
Their students are proficient in various languages in front-end (web development - CSS, JavaScript, HTML) and back-end (software - Java, PHP, etc.). Additionally, they also have prior experience and a positive track record in building websites and software applications for local and international businesses/companies.
All of the students that will work on your projects graduated top 1% of their classes where they’ve all built this website (http://www.zenithprepacademy.com/coding/uberz) from scratch without any shortcuts or templates, in addition to many of them having built websites and software for local businesses and large enterprise companies.
Reach out via email to: William@ZenithPrepAcademy.com
NYC web developer volunteers needed
Got friends in NYC who want to give back? Join ScriptEd to teach the next generation of web developers! Join a community of professional developers who volunteer their time to teach foundational web development classes to students in under-resourced high schools. Their curriculum includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Volunteers are placed on teaching teams of 4 and teach classes 2x a week for the full school year. Volunteering with ScriptEd is a great way to share your knowledge, meet amazing youth, and collaborate with passionate developers like yourself. Fill out a quick application and one of their staff members will set up a time to speak with you over the phone.
Job Opportunities
Media for Good: Program Coordinator role at Matter Ventures
Big Ideas at Berkeley - Program Coordinator
Supports the Big Ideas Contest with student outreach, judge and mentor recruitment and management, event management, startup advising, and general contest administration
Head of Product for Progressive Nonprofit Tech Startup
Empowered To Run is seeking a creative, human-centered-design-loving, front-end-capable Head of Product to lead the development of digital offerings. Most of the 520,000 elected offices nationwide are not meaningfully contested! And yet, there are plenty of people interested in running. The vast majority, unfortunately, self-assess as unprepared and don’t try. Empowered To Run is a nonprofit startup developing a new platform of scalable digital tools and content that lower knowledge, skill, and resource barriers for prospective state & local candidates. The organization is based in Washington, DC but you can work remotely.
Learn More & Apply: http://bit.ly/joinETR-p1
AI4ALL is a new non-profit with the mission of bringing diversity and inclusion to artificial intelligence development, research, education and policy. The founding activity at AI4ALL is launching educational programs that deliver a humanistic AI curriculum directly to high school students from populations currently underrepresented in AI: women, racial minorities, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds; and supporting these students along their education and career pathways. The Education Director is responsible for overseeing the curriculum and academic programming for AI4ALL.
Tech Jobs in SF City Government
Bookmark the civic tech jobs site or follow @civicjobsf on Twitter.
Find or post nonprofit jobs on the NTEN Nonprofit Tech Job Board. Find or post full-time jobs and short-term gigs for social change. NTEN Members save 50% on all job postings. You can also follow @ntenjobs for the latest jobs.
Check out Fast Forward’s Tech nonprofit job board
Learning Opportunities/Other Resources
Subscribe to CivicMaker’s LINKS - a bi-monthly dispatch of ideas, events and opportunities for civic and social innovators creating better ways to address sticky public problems in the Bay Area and beyond:
Jan 8 - 19, 2018 - Frontier Market Scouts - Certificate in Impact Investing and Social Enterprise
FMS instructors are active practitioners in the impact space and work with leading organizations including Omidyar Network, Accion Venture Lab, Village Capital, Pi Investments, and Colorado Capital. Through the combination of lectures and actionable co-creative projects, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the ecosystem and framework for market-based solutions. After completing the intensive, two-week training, FMS participants have the opportunity to become candidates for fellowship positions with social ventures, accelerator programs, or impact funds.
TechSoup Courses for Nonprofits!
You have a mission. TechSoup Courses can get you there. Explore the online training catalog here: https://techsoup.course.tc/catalog (TechSoup is a sponsor of SFTech4Good, so check them out!
Ongoing - Giant Global Social Innovation Events Calendar
Conveners.org is a backbone organization building connection, cooperation, and collaboration within the impact ecosystem. Increased coordination provides network benefits and allows us to create tools, resources and products that solve the industry-level challenges we face. This enables the right people, to be in the right places to have the conversations that will change the world. Lots and lots of great events are compiled here:
So You Want to Be an Ally Because #BlackLivesMatter
Here is an ever-expanding resource for individuals who would like to become an ally. Please feel free to add to it and share it within your communities.
Thanks to our awesome sponsors!
- TechSoup Global via NetSquared[a]
- Cooper
- Hack Reactor
- Important Media
- Optimizely
- Bloomberg Tech Hub
- Rolling Out Cafe
- Geekdom SF by Rackspace
General Assembly Front Row
- WeWork Civic Center
Thanks for being a part of the SFTech4Good community, and thanks for reading to the end!
Looking for updates in between our monthly newsletter? Please use the upcoming events and job board here to share events and jobs: http://www.meetup.com/sfnetsquared/messages/boards/forum/2623142
If you need to find one of our old newsletters, you can find them here in the Discussion section on our Meetup.com page.
That’s all for September!
SFTech4Good event producers
P.S. Find us on Twitter at @SFTech4Good and follow our events in real time at #SFN2!