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LA Tech4Good News


So much happening smack dab in the middle of summer that it’s worth a newsletter! So many events, so little time... 

Taking it to the people! Wednesday August 8 
We The Incubator is bridging the gap in tech for the people. It is founded on the principles of fairness and accessibility for all and it is their belief that everyone should have a fair chance at making their startup dreams come true.  Register at https://www.meetup.com/LATech4Good/events/250440834/.  

Philosophie Product for Good: August 10 application deadline 
Seeking nonprofits in need of digital products! If you’re an organization with a tech undertaking that could be built in a 6-week program, be sure to apply! Philosophie is a leading LA digital design and development firm and they’ve thought this offering through well. Applications are also open for developers, designers and product people. 
Learn more and apply at https://philosophie.is/product-for-good

Summer Soirée: A Mixer for Woman (and Allies) in Tech & Entrepreneurship – Wed August 15 
Join Girls in Tech Los Angeles, Blacks in Technology, Ladies Get Paid, Latinas in Tech, Rise of the Bulls, Techladies, LA Tech4Good and WMN Legal at a networking mixer for women and our allies in tech and entrepreneurship. Enjoy an evening of wine, appetizers and cross pollination among members of eight stellar organizations.Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/girls-in-tech-mixer-tickets-48080240293?aff=T4G 
Hosted at the Riveter in West LA and a shoutout to Girls in Tech LA for making this happen! 

Come and Design Your LA – Saturday August 18 
Have you ever had a cool idea about how City services could work better but didn't know who to tell? Ready to share your city services experiences with City leaders and community members to help shape change? K,Register at https://designyourla.splashthat.com/

Change Careers: Tech for Good! with Repurpose Your Purpose – Thurs Aug 30 
Join Repurpose Your Purpose for an in-depth discussion about what it's like to take the leap and land a job in tech, or start your own business, while staying true to your values and making an impact. The four panelists all took a big leap and made dramatic career changes. You may know founder Aurora Meneghello from Tech4Good events! 
Register at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/how-to-change-careers-tech-for-good-tickets-4806646910 

Interactive Storytelling and Game Design at Cal State LA Downtown 
Our fabulous co-organizer, Anne-Marie Williams, is Community Director of this new certificate program! Congratulate her and check out this unique program at http://www.calstatela.edu/dtla/interactive-storytelling-and-game-design-downtown-la 

Nonprofit Tech Club OC  
An NTEN-sponsored chapter is starting up in Orange County. They will provide free, friendly events for nonprofit staffers to learn about technology. They’ll talk about tech and program management, fundraising and development, marketing and communications, leadership, and, of course, IT.  Member April Ferrara is heading this up. Stay tuned at https://local.nten.org/orange-county/ 

Hope to see you in August! 


Karen Borchgrevink@kborchgrevinkTaproot Foundation | LA Tech4Good 

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